teisipäev, 20. aprill 2021

Jumala miljon maski


Täna mul erilist sõnumit esitada pole. Mitte, et sõnumit ennast poleks, lihtsalt sõnum tahab vormumist ja sõnad seadmist. Küllap ta tuleb, omal, parajal ajal.

Küll aga on mul pakkuda üks muusikaline leid Sinutorust, zanrist: omanäolised ja head lood. Või ka siis: katsetuslik, haruldane ja edukas (experimental, rare, pop). 

Kuulamiseks pakun 'Manchester Orchestra' loo: "The Silence". Kui selle loo puhul miskit miinust ette lugeda, siis pikkust - kõigest 8 minutit. Ülejäänu: rütm, meloodia, harmoonia, instrumentaal - väga head; vokaal, eriti hea. Lugu algab rahulikult, aga ei lõppe samamoodi. Sõnade juurde jõudes.. need pole tühjad, vaid täis tundeid ning tähendust. Laulu arvustavatest märkustest saab lugeda, et on inimesi, kes on lõpetanud pikaaegse alkoholi ja narkootikumide tarbimise selle loo mõjul. Räägitakse ka inimestest, kes on tulnud tagasi enesetapu piirilt - jällegi, see lugu, see sõnum.

Ehk aitab see lugu veelgi rohkemaid inimesi kui seni. Vähemasti minu hinge tegi helgemaks küll.

Head kuulamist.


(mõni brauser tahab käivitamiseks kahte klikki)

Manchester Orchestra - The Silence


Why do I deserve the science to feel better about you?

At a loss I lost my cool
I denied that I found you

I tried to be a basket case
I did not surprise you

I'm trying to find a signal fire
Let me know when I should move

But you, amplified in the silence
Justified in the way you make me bruise
Magnified in the science
Anatomically proved that you don't need me

Why do I desire the space?
I was mourning after you

I was lost and lost my shape
There was nothing I could do

I don't want to waste away
It was all I gave to you

Take me back and take my place
I will rise right up for you

But you, amplified in the silence
Justified in the way you make me bruise
Magnified in the science
Anatomically proved that you don't need me

All the while you waste away, you're asking
"Did I really need another one to take me down?"
Everybody knows it's something that you had to live with darling
Nobody's gonna tear you down now
There is nothing you keep, there is only your reflection

There was nothing but quiet retractions
And families pleading, "Don't look in that cabinet,
There's far more bad than there's good, I don't know how it got there"

That was something your father had burned in me
Twenty hours out of Homestake eternity
"You can go anywhere but you are where you came from"

Little girl you are cursed by my ancestry
There is nothing but darkness and agony
I can not only see, but you stopped me from blinking

Let me watch you as close as a memory
Let me hold you above all the misery
Let me open my eyes and be glad that I got here

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